Juvenile Crimes


When the Criminal Justice System was first established, it was recognized that kids are very different from adults. For example, the portion of their brains governing judgment and reasoning (the frontal lobe) has not yet been fully formed. Therefore, they often engage in behavior that is different than if they were adults. An experienced Miami juvenile lawyer knows just how different children are and knows how imperative it is that they be treated differently as they navigate through the criminal process. Allow us to use our extensive knowledge and experience to assist you.

Purpose of Juvenile System

The purpose and intent of the juvenile system is detailed in Florida Statute 985.01. One purpose is to “increase public safety by reducing juvenile delinquency through effective intervention and treatment services that strengthen and reform the lives of children.” Another stated purpose is to ensure those who come before the juvenile system are ensured due process and fair hearings by a “respectful and respected tribunal.” Furthermore, law makers want to “preserve and strengthen the child’s family ties whenever possible.”

Direct File

In certain instances, a child who’s in the juvenile system because he is under the age of 18, may be “direct filed” to the adult system. That means that the juvenile’s case has been reviewed by prosecutors, who determined that the case must be handled in the adult system. In serious cases where the charges are murder or armed robbery, that means that a direct filed child could face up to life in prison as an adult if convicted. Whether to direct file a juvenile is a decision that’s solely in the hands of prosecutors. They consider a myriad of factors including, but not limited to, the age of the offender (the closer to 18, the more likely it is that he’ll be direct filed), the seriousness of the offense, and whether he has prior contact with the criminal system.

How Juvenile System is Different

There are a number of differences between the juvenile and the adult system. First, you won’t find any juries in the juvenile system. All trials are “bench trials,” meaning that they are decided solely by the judge. Additionally, the focus of the juvenile system is to rehabilitate and treat juvenile offenders as opposed to punishing them. Also, there are a number of programs that are available to the juvenile defendant that is not 0ffered to an adult defendant. Miami juvenile lawyer Mark Eiglarsh would love the opportunity to meet with you for a free consultation in order to assist you with your child’s criminal case. The juvenile system is very different than the adult system and having a veteran attorney who knows all the rules of the court is a must.

Call Now

If your child or a child you know has been arrested, call us immediately. Like any criminal case, it’s essential to secure individualized treatment in a vast and confusing criminal system. An experienced juvenile attorney in Miami, like from the Law Offices of Mark Eiglarsh, can have a huge impact on the outcome of the case. Call for a free consultation immediately: 305.674.0003. We look forward to assisting you.

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