Drug Transportation and State Forfeiture

The transportation of drugs is the illicit movement of a controlled substance while having a full understanding or knowledge of the substance’s existence. It is possible to be charged for the transportation of the drug or substance regardless of the distance traveled. There is also the potential of facing federal drug charges if you are found to bring drugs across a national border. As a felony offense, drug transportation in Miami carries significant penalties levied on the person who is convicted. Furthermore, a drug shipment charge will be subject to the minimum mandatory sentencing law of the state.

A few examples of common controlled substance individuals are accused of transporting may include marijuana, methamphetamines, illegally obtained prescription drugs, and cocaine. The sentences levied for certain types of drugs could include up to 25 years in prison and a $500,000 fine. A trafficking sentence requires a minimum of three years imprisonment, as well as a fine of $50,000. Additional penalties may include losing the right to own a firearm, probation, or the loss of driving privileges.

There are different defenses that may be successful in assisting your case. You may not have known that you were bringing an illegal substance; you may have been the victim of a violation of rights, or law enforcement may have violated the law in some aspect of the search, detention, or interrogation. You deserve the best opportunity to avoid prosecution. Your criminal lawyer is the most important issue at this point. You face a great risk of prosecution, and it couldn’t be more critical to choose your defense counsel.

When Florida State takes property from an individual they suspect to have been purchased because of criminal activity or was involved in a crime, it is imperative to hire an experienced Miami forfeiture lawyer who can assist with your case. Typically, forfeiture issues include seizing bank accounts, assets, boats, residences, as well as cash. The law allows the government of the United States and the Florida State to take possession of your property through a criminal or civil proceeding. Any property could possibly be taken and forfeited, including interest in land.

One of Florida’s key statutes involving forfeiture is 932.703. The law states that if there is a breach of any clause of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act, a seizure of property may take place. The law allows law enforcement to seize property if the property owner is charged for a criminal offense. The State of Florida must provide written notice upon seizure that it plans to permanently seize the property. An experienced and talented forfeiture lawyer will be able to give you the best guidance on which parts of the legislation best apply to your case.

The general information provided above about drug transportation Fort Lauderdale and state forfeiture laws and importation is meant for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for speaking directly with an attorney about the facts and circumstances of your case. Please call 954-500-0003 in Broward or 305-674-0003 in Miami to schedule a consultation with the Law Offices of Mark Eiglarsh.

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